Thursday, July 23, 2020

Joyce Sule speaks on drugs and child abuse among youths today

Gibsblog: Welcome to Gibsblog

We'll do want you to talk on or rather give us ur view on drugs abuse, child abuse and rape among youth's today

But before then, we'll want you to tell us a little about yourself

Joyce: It's my pleasure Gibsblog

My names are Joyce Sule, I'm a graduate of National Open University Nigeria, Osogbo study centre. I studied computer science. I'm from Taraba State, Sardauna, Gembu to be precise. I'm the CEO of Lenjay's Hair

The term drug abuse is used when a drug is used in excess (overdose) it doesn't matter what drug you are taking, ones you take any drug against your prescription, you're automatically abusing that said drug

Gibsblog: Thank you very much Joyce Sule

Now what do think the government should do to reduce or curb the abuse of drugs among youth's looking at how damaging and dangerous the abuse of drugs can be

Joyce: Also drug abuse is the use of illegal drugs or the use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs for purposes other than those for which they are meant to be used, or even using them in  large amounts. Drug abuse may lead to social, physical, emotional, and job-related problems.

Child abuse is the physical maltreatment or sexual molestation of a child.

A child can be abuse either Physically which is   sexual child abuse also known as Rape.

Physical neglect, educational neglect, and.

emotional neglect

While Rape  is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent.

Gibsblog: What do you think the government should do to reduce the rate of rape cases and the rate at which a child is being abuse?

Joyce: Uhm  

The subject of Drug abuse among the youths in Nigeria has generated heated debate in recent time. This has attracted interest from different groups, organizations, individuals, government ministries and agencies including the National Assembly. The problem is much bigger than we can imagine, and we are probably waking up a little late in the day but certainly not too late. We will be deceiving ourselves to think or believe that the situation is limited by geography, gender, social status or age.  

Anyone can become a drug abuser and current information indicates that all ethnicities, social groups and genders can have drug abuse problems. It should be noted that drug abuse is not a character flaw but rather it is a medical condition that has developed over the time. There is no established fact that drug abuse runs in the family. However, there are theories (Personality, Learning, Biological or genetic and Social cultural), which tend to explain the predisposing factors. Apart from these theories, the causes of drug abuse, according to many sources, can be linked with factors including experimental curiosity, peer influence, parental influence, socio-economic conditions, extra energy requirements by youths engaged in hard prolonged labour at early ages, drug availability and the pain of withdrawal which motivates further abuse.

The drugs that are commonly abused include but not limited to alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, inhalants, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, Methadone, oxycodone, Tramadol, codeine, Morphine, chemicals, cannabis or marijuana, heroin, stimulants like methamphetamines and cocaine, hallucinogens and many others. Drug use disorder is a common problem affecting about five per cent of the world population, In Nigeria, it was reported recently that about three million codeine containing cough preparations are consumed daily in Kano and about six million bottles in the Northwest.

The consequences of drug abuse are varied and devastating for the individuals involved, the family, nation and the international community. There are medical problems associated with drug abuse, which include mental disorder, liver cirrhosis, lethargy, irritability, cardio-vascular disorders, etc. The social consequences are numerous: school dropout, cultism, violence, armed robbery, lawlessness, cultural disorientation, rape, assassinations, loss of productivity, etc. The cost to the society is humongous.

To combat this resurgent menace, a multi-dimensional approach is recommended which will involve

1. The Family: parents should create enough time to attend to the needs of their children and guide them properly to adulthood. The family size should be limited to reflect the socio-economic status for a total well-being.

2. The Community and Religious groups: The leaders should take active part in resolving the crisis at hand and help to prevent further occurrences.

3. The government should provide rehabilitation center for the youths

4. Jobs should be provided too. 

The list continues 😊

Gibsblog: Wow that's good

Now Joyce what do you think should be a penalty for anyone caught raping a girl or a guy and also for someone abusing a child. What do you think

Joyce: To me there's actually nothing that can make up for raping 😂 well like they say, you can't pay back evil with evil or take law into your hands. I think they should be penalize. Maybe castrating such male. You know it really hurts to take something away from someone without their consent right? Or maybe life imprisonment would do. These penalties should be served for child abuse of any form

It beats me to hear stories of how children and women are being abused out there

And all these things most of the time comes up when one is in drugs

So I think if drug abuse can be curbed in our society, all these others will fall in line

 And we should start doing these  from home. Like they say, "Charity Begins At Home"

Gibsblog: Yes if we can curb the rate of drugs abuse, then maybe it will reduce the rate of rape

So how do you help a friend you know is into drugs abuse and he or she can't help he or herself

Joyce: Yeah I do thinks so

First personally, bring them close without judging them. Try as much as possible to make them eat healthy, try talking to them without judging them. Explain what the side effects of drug abuse are with examples still without making them feel bad.

2.Try occupy them cos there's a saying that "An Idle Man Is A Devil's Workshop"

Gibsblog: That's it for that.

Thanks Joyce for your time

Gibsblog is glad having you

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