Monday, June 25, 2018

Interview with Chienyem Ezenwe......she talked on relationships, child abuse and marriage

Gibsblog: OK we'll be talking about child abuse..relationship and marriage Welcome to gibsblog

Gibsblog: But before we continue... We'll do want you to tell us a little about yourself

Chienyem: Ok

Chienyem: Thanks for having me

Chienyem: Ok
My name is chienyem Ezenwe
Am a 200L Literature student of ABU
From Anambra state

Gibsblog: Wow that's great i like or rather should I say I admire your command of  English.
So I'll do be asking you some questions about your view on child abuse, relationship and marriage.... Your take on them

Chienyem: Thank you

Gibsblog: OK can you please tell us how you view child abuse?

Chienyem: Okay
Judging from the activities going on in our current society, child abuse has become a trend, from stepfathers abusing their stepdaughters to uncles and aunts harrasing their nephews and neices. Child abuse is an act I see done by people whose sense of reasoning isnt aligned with their conscience, doing things that later leave innocent children traumatised and scarred for life.

Gibsblog: Yes thank very much chienyem.
But can you tell us what should be done or rather what the government should do to curb such act

Chienyem: For acts such as this, the government should create awareness on a daily, they should make punishments suitable for the act and its offenders, and victims of such acts should b given due attention and not be stigmatized for falling prey to the act

Gibsblog: OK how do you think the victims of child abuse need to be treated to  forget the what they faced and went through and embrace a new life.....and face their future

Chienyem: Well the society needs to stop blaming them for being victims of such cruelty, encourage them, show them love, love creates a pathway for healing, show them that there is still good in the society and help them heal and grow from the scare

Gibsblog: Yes that's it loving, Have you ever heard of any case of child abuse..... Maybe from someone you know

Chienyem: Yes

Gibsblog: Can you tell us about it ....if you wouldn't mind

Chienyem: Sure..... I know of a girl who was every much attached to her uncle, that is her fathers cousin and she was an asthmatic patient. While in the company of her uncle one unfortunate day, she had an attack and her uncle took advantage of her while she was still caught up in the attack.

Gibsblog: God that's terrible..... So how did everything ended

Chienyem: Well he fled the state and was never found.... She's doing fine though.... She healed

Gibsblog: Wow thank God
So on relationship now,
Are you in a relationship?

Chienyem: Sure

Gibsblog: OK being in a relationship how do you view relationship as a Young Lady growing up

Chienyem: Relationships are not all beds of roses as some people think it is, its actually like a race, a relay race that is, whereby who have to work together to get to the finish line. Along the line of that race, one could grow impatient, angry and even get tired but one also have to keep in mind that that is part of the relationship package and it has to be embraced for the relationship to grow. Team work matters alot,most of all patience and tolerance

Gibsblog: Well said, relationship is a two way something.... It's a team work.
So now in marriage
What's your take on marriage.... Like the pressure young ladies go through from family peer groups and the society at large to be married at certain do view that.... And how do you handle such pressure

Chienyem: Well for one, I haven't experienced that pressure but i know of a few people who have, and quit a few number of them did not take it well
A few of them went to depression and lost hope. While the rest did not let it get to them. As a young lady, I don't really see the rush in wanting to get married, and l also don't understand why pressure is put on ladies to get married... Getting married early is a good thing, and so is getting married a little later.
Ladies can be pressured into marrying the very wrong person and then there will be trouble in Paradise, big trouble that is.
I really don't think its the best idea to force marriage on a lady if she is not ready for it, no matter her age because that is one of the reasons we have so many broken homes in the society today

Gibsblog: Yes thank u very much chienyem.
Young ladies shouldn't be pressured into getting married.....

Chienyem: No they shouldn't

Gibsblog: Thank you very much for your time.....gibsblog appreciates you....Thank you

Chienyem: Thanks for having me

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