Nigerian Man creates car that can use 2 litres of fuel for 2-3 months

Nigerian Man Ahmed Aliyu Creates Car that can use 2 litres of fuel for 2-3 months

Ahmed Aliyu a raw talent from Niger state, Nigeria builds a wood like car that can use just two litres of fuel for two to three months. Ahmed Aliyu tells PulseNigeria how he built the car with the little money he had, he also told PulseNigeria that he can invent a lot of things but he lacks the financial resources to do so.
Ahmed Aliyu says in Nigerian pidgin english: “This car that I do I just do it with my kobo! kobo!”
Ahmed Aliyu said he created the car using motorcycle engine and that he is also able to create a more advanced car similar to the one he created which will be able to work with little or no fuel.
The wooden car manages fuel very well and the Nigerian man who built it was discovered recently by Pulse TV presenter Chuey Chu. This wooden car has so many super cool features that will blow your mind.  Ahmed’s wooden car runs on motorcycle engine and can use 2litres of fuel for 2-3months.
With this wooden car, you are not only saving cost of buying a durable car but also saving a whole lot of Naira on buying fuel. Most working class Nigerians spend more than N10,000 on fuel monthly.
Pulse TV presenter Chuey Chu of pulse TV
Chuey Chu
This amazing wooden car is convertible. It has got you covered in seasons of excessive heat. In a recent online poll by pulse Nigeria, 83% of Nigerians say they would buy this convertible wooden car if it becomes commercial.
PulseNigeria also applauded him on their Instagram page they did a short video interview with him; a lot of Nigerians responded positively to it asking the Nigerian government to help sponsor him:
Pulsenigeria247 on their page said “Now that is raw talent right there!!👍👏👌 2 litres of fuel can take the car for 2-3 months😃😳 Thumbs up Ahmed Aliyu… #Bida01 #Innovative #PulseNigeria”
Here are some comments from some Nigerians about this young man’s innovation:
“Our government officials are busy crying over cut in oil price which avert them from moving huge dough out of the country. None of them will see the invention to support the young man.”
“If government pretends to acknowledge him, it’s to kill the talent”
“I reckon if his idea for developed – he could become a billionaire off that but the govt doesn’t sponsor ideas like that”
“Wow it’s pretty impressive. Wonder how fast it goes, it’s pointless if a bicycle is quicker 😂😂”Wawoooo that is amazing Nigerians won’t promte this now oooòo it is rubbish they promote ,,, imagine this guy do more than one of this it will help in this country but we can look down chaii ….. good work”