Friday, October 28, 2016

A Professor in ABU Zaria: The Best Hydro-Geologist World Wide by Gibsblog : October 28, 2016, 10:48:40 AM
Profesor krzysztof schoeneich by the right together with Minister of State Power, Work and Housing, Honorable Mustapha Baba Shehuri

Meet Profesor krzysztof schoeneich MRF, a Lebanese. He is the Best Hydro Geologist, World wide. A Professor from the Department of Geology, Ahmadu Bello University.
He was honored by Emir of Zazau, for saving the lives of many after the construction of Zaria Dam. He was handed over a cap of honor, worth thousands of naira.

Profesor krzysztof schoeneich is an Atheist, the most simplest human being I have ever come across. Almost all his monthly salary goes to the Charity houses across the nation. You would find him among students eating in some local restaurants food joints. The current VC of the University, ABU zaria was once his student.

The Professor is one of the Oldest Expatriate in his field and a representative of the Nigeria Ministry of Science and Technology and Raw Materials Research and Development Counsel, RMRDC.

Profesor krzysztof is widely known on campus for his compassionate love for cats. He feed cats all over the campus on a daily bases. History has it that he owns 85% of the cats you see in ABU zaria :o

You would never see him ride a bicycle not talk of a car, yet he has fleets of cars in his garage. Many Abusites would be surprise to know that he even own a car.
Recently, one of his Student got him a brand new Toyota Highlander 2012 version.

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