Sunday, June 3, 2018

Interview with Hassana isah on drugs abuse among youths and marriage

Me: Welcome hassana to gibs blog

Hassana: Thank you

Me: We're going to be asking you some questions on youths,drugs abuse and marriage...We want to know your view on how to tackle some of this challenges ...but first we'll love to know a little about u

Hassana: OK thank you!
My name is Hassana Isah, am from Edo state, a 400l student of human physiology, ABU zaria

Me: Wow that's great a physiologist
What is your religion?

Hassana: Oh yeah! I am a Christian

Me: Wow ....but judging from the name one could mistake you to be a Muslim that's good

Hassana: Yeah,  that's true

Me: Well that's not important, the name doesn't matter know your religion

Hassana: Yeah

Me:OK Hassana are you in a relationship?
Hassana: Yes

Me: Wow that's great....
Ok so now to the main deal
What can you say about drugs abuse.... What's your take on it?

Hassana: Well it's basically the illegal use of drugs, or inappropriate use of drugs without the doctor's prescription
It's effects are not just on the individual cause it also affects those around the individual

Me: Yes from what you just said shows how dangerous the abuse of drugs is to an individual
It affects people around their friends and family as well
So what do you think should be done to curb or rather reduce the abuse of drugs among youths today?

Hassana: ok yes, Some measures have been taken already to reduce the abuse of drugs among youths, but I think  reinforcements is what we need to strengthen these measures
Some of these measures includes: organising bodies such as NAFDAG, NDLEA,  and vice versa, encouraging youths to engage in entrepreneur, and also promoting counseling

Me: Well said ....
You mentioned reinforcements , what kind of reinforcements are you talking about?

Hassana: In reinforcing these measures,  we could do well to employ competent and honest people in these bodies,  we could also create an awareness probably online, on drug abuse and it's effects on individuals

Me: Owk so how do you or rather how can you help someone that is already so into drugs like very addicted?

Hassana: Well,  from my point of view, before helping someone fight addiction to drug abuse, the person involved needs to be ready to change
Otherwise friends, family members, and loved ones could help through support, motivation and patience, bearing in mind that "old habits die hard"
To start up with this, an awareness concerning the dangerous effects of drug abuse needs to be made

Me: OK thank you very much..
Owk you earlier said you were in a relationship..... OK Hassana if I may ask you
How do you picture marriage?.... How do you see it?

Hassana: Oh yes!
Marriage!! Without stating much, Its a life time commitment!

Me: What can you say about the pressure Young ladies especially go through from family, friend..... To be married at certain age which often lead to wrong choices of life partner
Hassana: I believe God's time is the best,  and by right young ladies should not be pressurized over marriage because most ladies that get married due to pressure find it difficult to live with their spouse due to limited time to study one another
At the end of it all it goes from one problem to another,  and this can cause a long lasting dispute among couples
My advice to our parents, family and friends is for them to allow young ladies settle down and make their choice,  because they would be the ones to live and tolerate their respective spouses

Me: Owk that's nice....young ladies shouldn't in any way be pressurized into marrying when they are not ready or haven't found the right partner
Because in your word they'll be the ones to tolerate their respective spouses
Thank you very much hassana for sharing your view on drugs abuse and marriage on gibs blog
Many other people may have a contrary view to yours but I believe many people will also get something from your view

Hassana: It's OK.. You're welcome

Me: All you said are important.... It is if not to many to someone
Thank you

Hassana: Thank you too

@gibs blog we believe in the youths, we believe in their potentials, we believe in their talents and gift......we believe youths shouldn't be abusing drugs...we believe every lady should have a say in the kind man she wants to marry... No pressure.... Hassana just shared her view and we appreciate her and we  hope you find it useful .....many other interview coming on child abuse and more... Just relax

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