Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jemimah Hafsat Joseph Talks on... Relationship, child abuse and marriage

Gibsblog : welcome to Gibsblog. So can you tell us a little about yourself?

Jemimah  : OK,  my name is Jemimah hafsat Joseph , a student at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria,.... I am from Kaduna  plus I'm kataf  by tribe

Gibsblog : wow that's great... Jemimah hafsat Joseph . So can you tell me ur view on child abuse... What u think should be done to reduce such act.... And the punishment you think should be given to those found guilty of abusing a child.....
Jemimah : Awareness to the children...Maybe they should fine them or imprison them

Gibsblog : OK, the people found abusing a child should be fined or imprisoned... So jemimah .... How do you think we can help the child already abused to recover from such a experience

Jemimah  : There should be a committee that will meet those children and talk with them.. how to make them overcome the trauma.. and to show them the possibilities of the future

Gibsblog : Owk that's great joy... So on relationship now.... What's your view on it as a youth

Jemimah  : It's good to relate with people because no man is an island of himself...Love relationship is also good cause time gives you room to know each other better and to explore your strengths and weakness

Gibsblog : Have you been in relationship before?

Jemimah  : Yes

Gibsblog : So tell us ur experience

Jemimah  : Well all you need in a relationship is love ND trust... That's b basis

Gibsblog: Wow that's great.... Love and trust

Jemimah : Yes

Gibsblog : So what can you say about marriage the pressure young ladies go through from parents... Peer groups and the society to be married already at some certain age

Jemimah : Marriage is not a decision someone makes for you... It's a conviction u have within you that it's time for you to marry and a particular person to marry...You know what's best for you

Gibsblog : Yes nobody should be pressured into getting married.... Thank you very Jemimah hafsat Joseph  for your time Gibsblog appreciates you

Jemimah  : Thank you

1 comment:

  1. I saw a comment here a few weeks ago about Dr Agbazara and I decided to contact him as instructed, thanks to this man for bringing joy to me as wished for. I followed instructions which he gave in order to get my lover back who left me and the kids for 3years now, but thanks to Dr Agbazara because they are back to me now for good and we are happy together. Please do contact him for help too if in a relationship problem via email at: ( ) OR Via WhatsApp on: ( +2348104102662 ). And testify for yourself.
