Thursday, May 24, 2018

Interview with kinana Mundi - on youths, marriage and drugs abuse

Me:What's ur full name

Kinana:Kinana Mundi

Me:that's a nice name....sounds like a Indian name
What's your state of origin


Me:And u base in side minna?

Kinana:yes I am

Me:So now the main deal
Kinana, what's ur take on drugs do you think or rather what do u think should be done to help youth fight it...the abuse of drugs

Kinana:Uhmm...drug Abuse is obviously very harmful to us
And I think the illegal import of them should really be looked upon

Me:Owk that's nice
So how can you help someone that is already so so into drugs

Kinana:A rehab is the first place that comes in mind

Me:Owk that's good... a rehab
Now to marriage
What are your challenges as a young lady growing up....
Like unto relationships,education and Other stuffs

Kinana:At this point of my life.. I haven't really come across any life challenges.. And about marriage.. When it's time it's sure going to happen.. So am letting the future stay in the future first.
Over to relationships.. I think at this point in time is where a lady would want to feel loved and all that.. But for me.. Am still learning to love myself first.. So relationships aren't my thing yet. Right now am more focused on my education what can you say about the pressure young ladies go through from family, friends about marriage especially when a lady is getting to like 28 years or lemme say close to her 30s

Kinana:Uhhmm.. To be honest
I can't really tell because I haven't felt that pressure before

Me:Yup.....what do you think you would do....if you find yourself in that shoe

Kinana:This one is hard

Me:Hahaha yup....I still wanna know what you would have done

Kinana:It's about praying to God and hoping for the best
Sometimes patience holds the key to successful life

Me:Yup that's it


Me:So what's ur kind of man like as a Lady?

Kinana:Tall and handsome.. And bearded

Me:So what'll do happen if u don't get that kind of man

Kinana:It doesn't matter
A man is a man
Me : hahahahaa , are you sure a man is man?

Kinana : smiles.... Yes last last a man is still a man

Me: Wow thank you very much Kinana for your time,, gibsblog appreciate your time and energy ...thank you....thank you

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