Tuesday, May 9, 2017

North Korea attempted sending a missile to the US but it failed to reach the US

North Korea attempted sending a missile to the US as they test-fired a ballistic missile that failed to reach the US.

North Korea has attempted to make smaller nuclear warheads and fit them on long-range missiles capable of reaching the US. South Korea said that: “the missile was fired from a site in South Pyeongan province north of Pyongyang in the early hours of Saturday local time”.
The missile type is still not known, it apparently exploded seconds after lift-off. The US military said the missile did not leave the North Korean territory.

Speaking at the UN Security Council, Mr Tillerson warned of “catastrophic consequences” if the Council did not act, saying it was “likely only a matter of time before North Korea develops the capability to strike the US mainland”.
The US would use military force if necessary, he said.
Mr Tillerson accused Council members of not fully enforcing existing sanctions against the North, and called on China, in particular, to leverage its trade links as an influence.

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