Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Why Do We Worship? (Its Importance) Gibsblog

Heyy everyone, am really sorry I’ve not posted in a while. Been busy here and there…besides, school has resumed so please bear with me.
Ok, basically, I don’t really have much to pass across today but I just want us to ponder on a particular thing that has been crossing my mind for a while now…have you ever wondered why we worship?

I’ve come to learn that we were actually made to worship our Creator. The Lord has made us to worship him without ceasing. That is what I call Unlimited Worship. Most of the times when we claim we’re praying to God, we just say, “Thank you God for today…”, after which we start narrating all the problems that our great grand fathers and ancestors have had, telling God to solve all of them! When last have we decided that, “All I’m gonna do today is keep worshipping, am not gonna ask for anything”.
I am not judging anybody because I ain’t perfect, sweethearts! I’m guilty of the same offence! We forget what we were created for. We forget the importance of worship. You necessarily don’t have to write a 6-page application letter to God stating your generation’s problems, you know! He gave you eyes, therefore, He’s got millions of those eyes and can see all your problems. Just by worship, you get blessings more than you can ever imagine because you invite the presence of the Lord through worship. Just like Qadowsh said in her song: we were made to worship. Click on this link to get her song feat K’ore
In a nutshell, we need to cultivate a kind of “worship literacy”. We need to learn to create an atmosphere of worship. Hope this is helpful to you…God bless you and have a nice day.

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