Thursday, October 13, 2016

Here's a free song for you, recorded by Todd Dulaney:
Hallelujah, You have won the victory
Hallelujah, You have won it all for me
Death could not hold You down...
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Death could not hold you down! He is the risen king! Todd Dulaney #BWMIFC
Gospel singer Todd Dulaney never stopped praying over his children who were both born pre-term, weighing 1.9 pounds and 1.7 pounds
“If you have this baby before you make it to the other hospital, this baby won’t make it.”
REAL worshippers that sing are a threat to passive lethargic gifted singers of the Gospel. WHY? Because REAL worshippers have access!!! They may not be the best singers BUT THEY HAVE A HIGHER CLEARANCE LEVEL!!!!!! The time for SHOW IS OVER!!!! #AWorshippersHeart

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